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The Fabulous Fleece Company Blog

The benefits of using sheepskins for yoga

ⓒ Natalie Seager

Although it’s commonplace to see people carrying those rolled-up rubber mats on their way to yoga class, more may now be sporting a woollier variety… a sheepskin rug for their yoga mat. The idea of using a sheepskin for yoga has been gaining ground in recent years, especially due to the rising popularity of Kundalini yoga.

Kundalini is more spiritual type of yoga that is extremely useful for stress relief and some its high profile practitioners include celebrities like Demi Moore and Russell Brand.

Why sheepskins are used in Kundalini yoga

Being a meditative style of yoga, Kundalini is generally performed in a seated position, with poses that are held for up to five minutes, often with eyes closed.

Sheepskin is seen by yogis as a way of protecting your energy from that of the earth, but it’s also very practical in having lot of cushioning to provide comfort during all the time spent in those seated postures. The soft texture of the fleece is also very soothing when you are practicing deliberate relaxation and meditation.

ⓒ Natalie Seager

ⓒ Natalie Seager

Yoga in Yorkshire

This idea of a sheepskin rug being a useful accessory to practice yoga, or mediation, was recently highlighted when Fab Fleece customer Natalie Seager got in touch to buy a selection of Herdwick sheepskins. She is a yoga teacher and wanted to use the Herdwicks in her new yoga classes, so we were keen to find out more...

Natalie is based in Halifax, West Yorkshire and trained as a Hatha yoga teacher nearby in Hebden Bridge three years ago, after practising yoga for many years. As soon as she started teaching, she was drawn to including something called Yoga Nidra into her classes. But what is it?

Practicing mindful relaxation

“Yoga Nidra is a beautiful, restorative practice of creating relaxation with awareness,” Natalie explains.

“It’s not a ‘doing’ yoga practice so much as a ‘being’ practice. Firstly you lie comfortably so that the body and mind can settle. You are then guided by a facilitator's voice into a trance-like state (between wake and sleep) where the brain can process deeply and you can experience profound relaxation.” Sounds blissful!

ⓒ Natalie Seager

Inspired by Cumbrian Herdwicks

Natalie first discovered the appeal of using sheepskins when in Cumbria, where she carried out her training course to become an official Yoga Nidra facilitator.

“We had the most beautiful set up and stunning views, but one of the aspects that made it such a luxurious and comfortable experience was lying on sheepskins,” she says.

“They warmed my back and added something very special to the whole ritual of creating a personal space to rest.”

“While in Cumbria, we were surrounded by Herdwick sheep,” Natalie continues, “so I was drawn to buying Herdwick sheepskins when setting up my space for delivering Yoga Nidra back home in Halifax.”

ⓒ Natalie Seager

“The most beautiful Herdwick fleeces I found were those at The Fabulous Fleece Company. Lucy could have not been more helpful. I have a shop business too and I hugely value dealing with suppliers who offer not only great quality products but are also friendly and helpful.”

We wish Natalie every success with her new venture. It sounds wonderful! Natalie kindly allowed us to use her beautiful images to illustrate this post so you can see what an appealing set up she has.

For anyone lucky enough to live near Halifax and able to attend Natalie's fabulous yoga classes, do check them out. For more information about Natalie and Yoga Nidra, visit

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